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SolarWinds Introduces Two-Step Resolution of IP Conflicts Caused by Abundance
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2014-12-08 09:46
明通編輯 黃友香 香港 報導
of Mobile Devices to Dramatically Reduce Downtime

New SolarWinds(R) IP Control Bundle Features New Integration Between SolarWinds IP Address Manager and SolarWinds User Device Tracker to Provide Find-and-Fix Resolution of IP Address Conflicts, Reducing Network Downtime and Keeping IT Pros Ahead of Escalating BYOD, Internet of Things and Virtualization Challenges

AUSTIN, TX--(Marketwired - Dec 4, 2014) - SolarWinds (NYSE: SWI), a leading provider of powerful and affordable IT performance management software, today introduced SolarWinds IP Control Bundle, featuring the new integration of SolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM) and SolarWinds User Device Tracker (UDT), for comprehensive two-step resolution of IP conflicts.

IP conflicts cause downtime, increasingly interfering with critical network performance due to the escalating abundance of connected network devices. By coupling IP monitoring with device locating and troubleshooting capabilities, SolarWinds IP Control Bundle empowers IT Pros first to detect IP conflicts and identify the offending devices and then to take immediate action to eliminate the conflict and restore availability to critical systems and applications.

Device demands and machine virtualization opening door to IP address conflicts

The demand for consumer device connectivity in the workplace -- with the wide adoption of virtualization, acceleration of BYOD and the "Internet of Things" and the anticipated trend of wearable technology -- is responsible for an increase of new devices on networks, each of which requires a unique IP address to manage.

"No good deed goes unpunished, and the same goes for technology. Increasingly, employees are bringing unmanaged devices into the network creating IP conflicts and downtime. Further, with constant demands for uninterrupted network performance, IT teams can't afford to wait to resolve these conflicts," said Chris LaPoint, vice president of product management, SolarWinds. "Now, with the combined strengths of IPAM and UDT, IT Pros can associate conflicting IP addresses with errant devices and they can take immediate action to shut them down -- it's that quick."

Resolve IP conflicts with two integrated steps to speed time to recovery

1. Find: SolarWinds IPAM identifies and organizes IP conflicts by subnet and provides IP history and useful data with which IT Pros can troubleshoot and remedy network connection issues fast. It identifies the switch and switch port where the conflicting system is connected and can determine device type and user, the last time the user logged in, and where it is physically cabled into the network.

2. Fix: With knowledge of the offending device, an IT Pro can address the problem with one click using SolarWinds UDT's recommended action feature. IT Pros are able to temporarily disable the switch port that is being used by the device in question, assign a new IP address to the device, and then update any related DNS entries.

Pricing and Availability

Products for the SolarWinds IP Control Bundle are sold separately. Pricing for SolarWinds IP Address Manager starts at $1,995 and SolarWinds User Device Tracker starts at $1,795. Both products include the first year of maintenance. For more information, including a downloadable, free 30-day evaluation, visit the SolarWinds website or call 866.530.8100.

Additional Resources:

·Video: Avoid IP Address Conflicts

·White Paper: Managing the BYOD Chaos

About SolarWinds

SolarWinds (NYSE: SWI) provides powerful and affordable IT management software to customers worldwide from Fortune 500® enterprises to small businesses. In all of our market areas, our approach is consistent. We focus exclusively on IT Pros and strive to eliminate the complexity that they have been forced to accept from traditional enterprise software vendors. SolarWinds delivers on this commitment with unexpected simplicity through products that are easy to find, buy, use and maintain while providing the power to address any IT management problem on any scale. Our solutions are rooted in our deep connection to our user base, which interacts in our thwack® online community to solve problems, share technology and best practices, and directly participate in our product development process. Learn more today athttp://www.solarwinds.com/.

SolarWinds, SolarWinds.com and thwack are registered trademarks of SolarWinds. All other company and product names mentioned are used only for identification purposes and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.



Nicole Fachet


Phone: 212.871.3950

[email protected]

Courtney Cantwell


Phone: 512.682.9692

[email protected]

上傳時間:2014-12-08 09:46
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